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Apex Alterations & Additions

Planning and Approvals

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Take your time in researching and finding insured and fully qualified building professionals, one who can discuss your needs, wants and budget. These building professionals should give you an accurate quotation and concept design, to help with your planning.

Apex Alterations and Additions Pty Ltd. doesn’t just build your dream addition, we design concept plans from your feedback, ensuring that we meet your needs, wants and budget. Your addition is built by our team so you don’t have to deal with anyone else. We will also complete all of the forms required for the approval of your addition.


We take care of all the approvals for you. We get the needed approvals from either:

  • Your local Council and/or
  • A Certifier
Planning and Approvals

Approval Time Frames

Your local Council: Local councils are not necessarily the quickest option for getting approvals. Council approvals can take 3-4 months.

A Certifier: A Certifier is a quicker option. Certifiers can approve an addition to your home in 4 weeks.

Approval time differences (in brief):

Your local Council has developed a plan for your municipality, called the Development Control Plan (DCP) and Local Environmental Plan (LEP). If the addition submission is through your local Council, your addition must meet the Councils development guidelines from the DCP and LEP. Council submissions are processed by a number of people with different expertise’s from different departments, lengthening the processing time.

A Certifier will assess your addition against the development requirements stated in the State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPP). The Certifier is the assessor of the submission and consequently no additional personnel are needed for processing.

WE WILL endeavour to seek your approvals through the most efficient and cost effective means possible.

For more information about what we do and offer call us on (02) 4722 3288 or check out our Services on the website or complete a Contact Form.

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